The Chronicle of Modern Architecture《Modakuro》

The future of this city is in your hands.The Chronicle of Modern Architecture 〜 Modakuro 〜 The Chronicle of Modern Architecture  〜 Modakuro 〜 Kyoto mainvisual
  • Rei Harunaga
  • Akari Itoshima
  • Mitsukane Tatsumasa
  • Hirotsugu Nagaradate
The future of this city is in your hands.The Chronicle of Modern Architecture 〜 Modakuro 〜 Osaka mainvisual The Chronicle of Modern Architecture  〜 Modakuro 〜
  • Kimi Tatsuoka
  • Shusei Ogoma
  • Shiran Saotome
  • ニュース


    この度、『モダクロ』ってなに?(モダクロのこれまでとこれから)のページを追加しました。 本ページでは、モダン建築クロニクル-通称モダクロが誕生したきっかけ、これまでの歩み、理念、そしてこれから伝えていきたい想いを紹介しま […]

World Building background
World BuildingWorld Building

This is a chronicle that continues into the future,
created by you and Tatemonoes.

One day you find an old album.
You open it and there are pictures and notes are filed in it. It looks like someone's diary.

Unable to resist your curiosity, you turn the page and notice a " person who looks like the building" in the picture. You become intrigued with that, you go to a nearby building.
There, you see a person who looks just like the building you saw in the photo.

... I am glad to meet you.

How to Play

As a voice drama

The voice drama that lets you learn about the history of Tatemonoes. Take a peek into their friendships and get to know them better. The more you listen to the stories, the more you may see something special about them.

As a tool for sightseeing

A thorough explanation of the deep fascination of modern architecture! Walking around the city while listening to this, you will master modern architecture in Kyoto and Osaka!

Let's aim for complete!

《Special Voice Dramas》 Complete the architectural quizzes given by the Tatemono, and a special voice drama will be released! Take a peek into Tatemonoe's personal life!

《Special Illustrations》 Walk around the town, visit Tatemonoes and get the stamp! Don't miss the beautiful special illustrations!


  • スタッフブログ

    モダン建築の推しポイント! -北船場②コース- volume.1

    みなさんこんにちは。 本日は、北船場②コースの建築の推しポイントをご紹介いたします! 北船場②コースは大阪のビジネス街を回るコース。現代的なビルが立ち並ぶまちですが、モダン建築が自然に馴染んでいます。「モダン建築クロニク […]

  • スタッフブログ


    みなさんこんにちは。 モダクロアプリもついに1周年を迎えることができました!アプリを聴いていただいた皆さん、ありがとうございます。2回目の7月です! さらに本日7/1は五乙女芝蘭くんこと、芝川ビルの竣工記念日。7月はめで […]

  • スタッフブログ

    モダン建築の推しポイント! -祇園コース- volume.2

    みなさんこんにちは。 本日も、先月に引き続き祇園コースに登場する建物たちを紹介していきます。 ⑤南座 400年以上の歴史がある歌舞伎発祥の地。今も毎日多くの人が歌舞伎や演劇などを観に訪れます。 基本情報竣工年:1929年 […]


Planning & SupervisionNaotake Maeda

First-class architect/curator. Director of Planning and Promotion, Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art. Planned the "Modern Architecture in Kyoto" exhibition for the first anniversary of the museum's opening. He has been with Mori Art Museum since 2003, where he has organized numerous architectural exhibitions, including the "Japan in Architecture" exhibition. He is the recipient of the 2019 Architectural Institute of Japan Culture Award and others.

         Planning & Production support

Junichiro Ishida(Professor emeritus of Kyoto Institute of Technology)

Yuichi Ishikawa(Engineer of Cultural Heritage Protection Division)

Kazuto Kasahara (Assistant Professor of Kyoto Institute of Technology)

Takuya Miyake (Assistant professor emeritus of Kyoto Institute of Technology)

Open House Osaka(Ike fes Osaka)

Shimadzu Corporation Fortune Garden Kyoto The Museum of Kyoto Chourakukan Ikoma Building Osaka City Central Public Hall Shibakawa Building Open House Osaka(Ike fes Osaka)
Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art Rei Harunaga Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art Rei Harunaga
Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art Rei Harunaga

Born in Okazaki, Kyoto, he is a graceful and good-natured young man. He is curious, generous, and friendly. He is looking forward to everyone seeing his new look in the renewal.

Born in 1933 (Showa 8)


cv. Nobuhiko Okamoto
Fortune Garden Kyoto Akari Itoshima Fortune Garden Kyoto Akari Itoshima
Fortune Garden Kyoto Akari Itoshima

Born along Kawaramachi Street. He has an inquisitive mind and can get too carried away, but he is always thinking positive and creating new things.

Born in 1927 (Showa 2)


cv. Yuma Uchida
Annex of The Museum of Kyoto Mitsukane Tatsumasa KyotoAnnex of The Museum of Kyoto Mitsukane Tatsumasa
KyotoAnnex of The Museum of Kyoto Mitsukane Tatsumasa

Born in Sanjo Takakura. He has a strong sense of responsibility and an earnest character, and is trusted by those around him. He is a solid person, but he also has an unexpected side...?

Born in 1906 (Meiji 39)


cv. Soma Saito
Chourakukan Hirotsugu Nagaradate Chourakukan Hirotsugu Nagaradate
Chourakukan Hirotsugu Nagaradate

Born in Higashiyama. While he is soft-spoken and attentive as a guesthouse, he also admires his former master's unprecedented spirit.

Born in 1909 (Meiji 42)


cv. Masaya Matsukaze
Osaka City Central Public Hall Kimi Tatsuoka(たつおか きみ) Osaka City Central Public Hall Kimi Tatsuoka(たつおか きみ)
Osaka City Central Public Hall Kimi Tatsuoka(たつおか きみ)

Osaka・Born in Nakanoshima, Osaka. As a symbol of Osaka, he is confident in word and deed, but has a mild and honest personality.His dream is to have a party with all the food he has inside of him.

Born in 1918 (Taisho 7)


cv. Hikaru Midorikawa
Ikoma Building Shusei Ogoma Ikoma Building Shusei Ogoma
Ikoma Building Shusei Ogoma

Born in Hirano-machi, Osaka. He has a strong sense of duty and humanity, and a good-natured personality and straightforward. He loves the city of Osaka, where he was born and raised.



cv. Kento Ito
Shibakawa Building Shiran Saotome Shibakawa Building Shiran Saotome
Shibakawa Building Shiran Saotome

"A dignified young man born in Fushimi-machi, Osaka. He has a solid character, but sometimes shows a mischievous side in front of his friends. He is very pleased with his ancient Latin American style. "

Born in 1927 (Showa 2)


cv. Yuki Kaji
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